Dresser Madness
I wish I had taken more before pictures of
this dresser I found in an antique/consignment shop. It was very red and uber shinny.
It made the dresser look cheap. The piece was stamped.
Gibbard is one of, if not the oldest,
Canadian furniture companies in the country. The dresser is probably from the early
50s and was in great condition, but the finish had seen better days. Even at 60 years old, this dresser was built well. Gibbard is also synonyomus with quality. You can find Gibbard furniture for sale for $500+ dollars a piece. I got this dresser for such a steal! Woot! Woot! :D
Stripping is a dirty job. LOL! But hello, Mahogany!
Remember that steel tanker desk from a few posts ago?
It's finally done! Pictures to come. Until next post.
Stella out!