Don't Worry...
I have neglected this blog yet again. My apologies.
This last year has had its highs and lows. I had been searching for a literary agent last year around this time, and I received a pile of rejection but also some positive feedback. A few agents told me my novel was a close call for them and told me to keep going with it. Three agents asked for additional chapters, and two of those requested full manuscripts. There was also a small publisher that asked for additional chapters.
I have received rejections from all except the publisher and one of the agents.
There have been some somber moments, especially within the past month when an agent that’d had my manuscript for almost an entire year gave me a form rejection. A FORM REJECTION. And there were moments when I couldn’t bring myself to write or critique or even read.
But I don’t want to dawdle in those moments. I was feeling angry, frustrated, and destitute. Not an honorable combination.
I have embraced the notion that my novel will not be traditionally published. And that’s just fine. I am planning on self-publishing my novel as well as turning it into an ebook. I feel excited again. I have been working on a new book cover and I’m very pleased with the results.

But I hope to begin blogging regularly again. I think it will help me stay positive because this blog holds me accountable for thoughts and moods. I feel as if I’ve grown and that is, at the very least, a good thing.
Stella out!
It looks like I've also grown tired of waiting for trad pub and am planning to go it alone. Will be posting about it at some point, although I've also gone quieter than normal on the blogging front. Nothing wrong with that - if you don't feel you have anything to say, then don't say anything :)
Good to hear from you. Are you going to go ebook or are you going to find a self-publisher?