My story is getting published!! Available on October 1st is the book
Making it in High Heels 2 for Role Models and Future Leaders. It's a chicken soup for the soul kind-of-book that focuses on how 40 different women became successful in their fields, and the struggles they dealt with along the way. I am honored to say that my story is among the 40 in this book. This is my account of how I became an Artistic Director with the largest haircare service company in the world at the age of 23.
If you have an opportunity to buy and read it, please let me know what you think. The first addition of this book was a best seller and I hope this second instalment will be just as successful. Fingers crossed. I shall be shamelessly plugging this book every chance I get. Actors do it, and so can I! LOL!!
Buy the book at Chapters or Amazon (This is for the Canadians out there. I think Amazon has the better deal though):
Buy the book at Amazon (This is for the Americans out there):